Right of Way Project Management is a complex field that involves various stakeholders, legal frameworks, and community interests. ORC, with over 50 years of experience, is a leader in navigating these issues. We explore the top 5 challenges in right of way management and offer solutions to overcome them. We’ll also discuss how ORC employs best practices to mitigate these challenges effectively, and why this approach has made us an industry leader.

Challenge 1: Legal Complexities

The Problem

Navigating the legal landscape of right of way acquisition can be daunting, especially with eminent domain implications at the federal, state, and local levels. The complexity increases when dealing with multiple jurisdictions, each with its own set of regulations. Moreover, the legal landscape is ever-changing, adding another layer of difficulty.

The Solution

ORC leverages its extensive legal expertise to guide clients through the intricacies of real estate acquisition, ensuring compliance with all regulations. ORC’s experienced professionals and strong training department help associates stay updated on any changes in legislation, thereby minimizing risks.

Challenge 2: Stakeholder Engagement

The Problem

Lack of community involvement can lead to project delays and increased costs. Public opposition can also result in legal challenges, further stalling projects. The situation becomes even more complicated when there are diverse community interests involved.

The Solution

Proactive and effective communication and community engagement are key. ORC focuses on building relationships with local communities through public meetings and one-on-one meetings with property owners. With ORC’s national footprint and personnel never too far away from project locations, it’s common for ORC to maintain a public-facing presence throughout the project timeline.

Challenge 3: Technological Limitations

The Problem

Outdated technology can hinder efficient project management. The lack of digital tools and properly trained support staff can result in manual errors and inefficiencies, and even compromise data security.

The Solution

Investing in cutting-edge technology, ORC stays at the forefront of the industry by offering a host of technology solutions to both our employees and clients. Our expertise in GIS enables us to excel at providing tailored solutions to meet project requirements, while streamlining operations and improving accuracy. ORC’s commitment to technological innovation also extends to cybersecurity measures to protect client data.

Challenge 4: Talent Acquisition and Training

The Problem

The right of way industry requires specialized skills and training. The scarcity of qualified professionals presents a significant hurdle, and the rapid changes in the industry necessitate continuous learning.

The Solution

We have a robust recruitment strategy aimed at attracting top talent in the field. Our industry-leading focus on employee development ensures our team is always equipped to handle the evolving challenges of the industry.

ORC invests in its people, providing them with the necessary training and development opportunities. Our focus on continuous training and learning is especially critical in today’s environment. Our strong focus on ROW agent training is evident through an Agent Training program, which allows us to develop ROW agents whose training is tailored for our clients’ specific needs.

Challenge 5: Environmental Concerns

The Problem

Environmental permits and impact assessments are often required, complicating the project timeline. These tasks can be time-consuming and may require consultations with environmental agencies. Additionally, there may be specific environmental regulations that vary by location.

The Solution

ORC employs a balanced approach, considering both development needs and environmental sustainability. We work closely with environmental consultants and agencies to ensure that all projects meet the necessary environmental standards, and even go beyond compliance to adopt best practices in sustainability.


Right of Way Project Management is fraught with challenges, but with the right strategies and expertise, they can be overcome. ORC stands as a testament to this, offering comprehensive solutions to complex right of way challenges. By staying ahead in legal expertise, community engagement, technological adoption, talent management, and environmental responsibility, ORC sets the standard for excellence in the industry. A well-rounded approach ensures we not only meet but exceed client expectations, making ORC a go-to solution for all right of way management needs.