Reno Tap to Heritage Lake 69 kV Transmission Line, Hendricks & Putnam Counties, IN
ORC facilitated easement acquisition for a recently purchased, existing 4.5-mile 69 kV transmission line. ORC 1) completed a market data study to determine easement values; 2) acquired 26 easements on the Reno Tap – Heritage Lake 69kV project in Indiana; 3) recorded the easements at the Putnam and Hendricks County Courthouses, with an 11-week project timeline. This project supported load growth and reliability.
The project scope of work consisted of 1) creating new easement exhibits as well as implementing additional aspects of the new easement acquisition; 2) expanding the existing easements and reworking some of the language to allow WVPA expanded clearing and access rights.
Lena Park 69kV Transmission Project, North Judson, IN
ORC utilized property valuation assessments for the North Judson, IN project area location to determine land valuation estimates, aiding in making appropriate offers to landowners to acquire 27 easements for the Lena Park 69kV Transmission Project. ORC oversaw recording the easements at the Starke County Courthouse, with a 3-month project timeline. This 4-mile transmission project supported load growth and reliability.
Avon North 138kV Transmission Project, Indianapolis, IN
For this project, ORC 1) completed a market data study to determine easement values; 2) acquired 35 easements on the Avon North 138kV Loop project in Indiana; 3) recorded the easements at the Hendricks County Courthouse. This 4-mile transmission looping project supported load growth and reliability.
Indianapolis, IN
Wabash Valley Power Association
Survey Permitting, Rights of Entry, Title, Acquisition, Obstruction Removal
03/19 – 12/19