Proven Solutions

ORC brings vast experience on federal, state, and local levels in preparing and implementing right-of-way procedures and programs. Our experience with “local public agencies” (LPAs) throughout the country is unparalleled. To this end, ORC, under a contract with FHWA, developed the Local Public Agency Guidebook and has prepared and delivered training to LPAs throughout the United States.


ORC enables our clients to apply our vast experience for a multitude of versatile project types, ranging from multi-modal trails to roundabouts, to property needed for a new bus station to the purchase of a superfund site. Our approach in each scenario is to provide our client with an expert that offers the client maximum flexibility in implementing their project.

Our teams offer a comprehensive list of Local Public Agency services, including:

  • Right-of-Way Acquisition & Relocation Assistance

  • Grant Reimbursement

  • Quality Audits

  • Client Training

  • Project Brochures and Newsletters

  • Condemnation Support

  • Project Management

  • Relocation Review

  • Title Research & Closings

  • Document Management & Recording

  • Appraisal Services

  • Property Management

  • Database Management

  • Public Meetings

  • Cost Estimating

Let us know how ORC can help you or your organization.