Stahl Sheaffer selected ORC to provide the full scope of land acquisition services to support the West Virginia Roadway Improvement Initiative (WVRII), a massive infrastructure program consisting of more than 100 projects disbursed throughout 11 West Virginia counties. This project impacted over 500 property owners. The acquisition was necessary to improve and/ or construct bridges and slips, provide roadway and curve widening, and implement intersection improvements.
TransCanada (Columbia Gas) sponsored the WVRII. ORC was hired specifically to provide right-of-way acquisition services and oversaw coordination with the construction firm (F2S Infrastructure) and lead design firm (Stahl Sheaffer). ORC provided services including review of plats & legal descriptions; review of right of way and construction plans; verification of property ownership; provision of title services; acquiring permission for boring samples; establishment of option agreements; valuation of the take areas; processing of damage claims; and securing right of possession agreements. ORC also worked with the West Virginia Division of Highways to secure plan approvals. This project followed a 10-month timeframe to secure option agreements from all impacted landowners.
WVDOH District 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6
Stahl Shaeffer and TransCanada
Acquisition, Valuation, Titles
February 2017 – July 2018