ORC provided Project Management and Right-of-Way Coordination for Oncor’s CREZ (Competitive Renewable Energy Zones) Project, the largest transmission project in the nation’s history. The CREZ Project spanned 40 counties and 10,000 miles of new lines, stations, and reactive power compensation. The consortium of 13 transmission companies that comprise CREZ transport electric (wind) energy from west Texas to the more populated areas of the state – DFW, Austin, San Antonio, Houston. Each of the 13 companies was required to obtain permission from the Public Utility Commission of Texas for each of the 100 project segments.
Given ORC’s deep experience on many complex and time-sensitive projects, as well as the project’s political sensitivity, Oncor, the electrical transmission provider in the DFW area and the largest member of the CREZ consortium, selected ORC to help manage land acquisition activities.
Oncor Electric Delivery
Electrical, Renewable Energy
Survey Permitting, Rights of Entry, Title, Acquisition, Obstruction Removal
06/11 – 06/13