Reliable Solutions
ORC offers complete program management for airport improvement, noise mitigation, and expansion programs. We build each project team to the client’s unique specifications. Our experts help our clients by leveraging our strong network of professionals to apply our industry leading knowledge to solve the most complex airport land acquisition and relocation assistance problems. ORC developed the course, “Introduction to Valuation and Title Opinion,” which we have presented at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City for the past 30 years.
Service Approach
Many of our clients span multiple decades of continued services. Our service longevity indicates satisfied clients that have awarded us multiple contracts. Our successful airport projects have provided land acquisition services to more than 125 airports, enabling the acquisition of more than 30,000 parcels and the relocation of more than 20,000 residences and businesses. We provide valuable customized project solutions and ensure full compliance with FAA grant requirements.
Our teams offer a comprehensive list of Airport services, including: